Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Fourth Course Blahs

If ever there was a month I was happy to see the last of it was November 2007. It just seemed that everything was infected by the November blahs, or the Fourth Course Blahs as it were, especially Benjamin. We ended a record stay of almost 6 weeks when Benjamin was finally discharged on November 25th. Since then we've been back twice to start the last course of chemo, only to be sent home because his neutrophils still aren't high enough. "Third time's the charm" I hope since we're giving it another shot tomorrow. While on the one hand, it is easy to complain about the length in between treatments, it was expected, and we're glad to have had Benjamin home for almost 2 weeks.

We were all affected by the Fourth Course Blahs as well. Emily started getting whiny and cranky again, asking when Ben would be coming home, and Roger and I came as close to the edge of marital disaster as we ever want to. It's just that with the time change and the extra long hospital stay and the fatigue and frustration that goes with it, even small little things will set you off. All of a sudden the entire world is against you, and no-one cares what you think and what you do. In hindsight it is classic wallowing self-pity, but at the time it just feels like such gut-wrenching despair that you think that there's no amount of crying that can make the feeling go away. I actually told the social workers at the hospital that the one thing missing was a soundproof padded room for the parents (and older patients) to go and vent their frustrations without disturbing the other families. And that's actually one of the reasons that I didn't blog much - I didn't want you all to think I was suicidal or anything, since my posts would have been so sickeningly depressing. But it's all OK now; these two weeks at home have allowed us to regain our equilibrium as well. Move along folks, there's nothing to see here.

We really should have anticipated all this, since we watched the mother of another AML patient slowly break down while waiting extra long for her child's counts to come up after the fourth course. And then, after 7 weeks in the hospital, it took another full three weeks at home before the fifth course could start. But if we use this family as our guides, the fifth course and subsequent recovery went very quickly and smoothly (4 easy weeks). So here's hoping.

Other than those pesky neutrophils, you'd never know that Benjamin is sick. It's as if he knows his days at home are numbered, and he's going to make sure he packs as much mayhem into them as possible. Let's just say that if it's not nailed down, it's toast. This morning he was too quiet for too long. When I went to check it out he had emptied the contents of his lower drawers and spread them all over the floor. And look out if the stairs have been left ungated - our little climber/slider is not about to let any opportunity go to waste. Sharing is a new concept for Benjamin, and he throws fits regularly when he is refused the toy with which Emily is already playing, regardless of what it is. It goes both ways, with Emily indiscriminately confiscating stuff from Benjamin because it is "too dangerous", only to play with it herself. Unfortunately for Emily, Benjamin has turned into a little speedster. Whether it is crawling or cruising, he gets where he wants to go - fast. His new thing reminds me of monkeys leaping from tree to tree. From one cruising surface, Benjamin will take a leap of faith and a quick step or two, essentially flinging himself to the next surface. So far he has only missed once, smacking his head on the coffee table when his hands just missed the mark. If he's not in motion then he's begging for table scraps. I guess it just makes sense that a bundle of endless energy requires a bottomless pit for a stomach. I just wish he had more teeth. The seventh one finally broke through yesterday, and we hope the others aren't far behind, but it's hard to say how much the chemo has delayed his development.

The best thing is that he's finally starting to communicate verbally. "Beba" is belly button, "Laah Laah" is any Teletubby, "Bob-Bob" is SpongeBob, and "Aaaaaaah" means that he wants us to sing the SpongeBob theme. And "Kha-kha" means he needs a diaper change. Since the infection, Benjamin has become very aware of his bowel movements. That's not to say that he doesn't mind sitting in the results. He will usually stop whatever he is doing, announce the arrival of a present and then continue on his merry way until he is stopped. Benjamin will also pick up the phone and have whole gibberish conversations with it held to his ear - unless there is actually someone on the other end. Of course, there are the standard "Mama", "Dada", "EmaEm" for Emily and "Baba" with a wave for bye-bye.
Hopefully, we can start the last course tomorrow and it doesn't knock Benjamin completely for a loop. It is now a given that we will spend the holidays in the hospital, Unless his counts stay where they are for so long that we actually go back only after Christmas. But I'm starting to look forward to Christmas in the hospital. Last weekend Emily saw Santa (or St. Niklaus) 3 times. Even though Benjamin was home, he couldn't go out into the general population. At least at the hospital we'll get that memory and a picture for him. So yay for the holidays, and thank goodness November is over.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Playing Catch-Up

Once again, I must apologize for a long delay between posts. Unfortunately, Benjamin's fever lingered and took some time to resolve itself. And once we figured out what was going on with him, I got knocked on my tush by a bad cold which had me banished from the hospital for the better part of a week, as the rest of the family scrambled to take over here.

We're all better now, but still here and waiting for Ben's counts to come up again. Tomorrow will be a month since we were admitted, and it doesn't look like we're going home any time soon. What happened with Benjamin seemed to start with a case of constipation just before Halloween. This was probably the cause of his anal fissures which got infected. The poor bugger was in so much pain that he couldn't sit down or poo or pee or have his diaper changed without screaming bloody murder. He was eventually put on morphine so that he could at least sleep relatively comfortably. As soon as Ben's neutraphils started coming in, they were being sent to his bum to fight the infection and two abcesses formed on his anus. These burst last week and Benjamin is much happier. He is still afraid to sit down from standing because I'm sure he remembers the pain, but for all intents and purposes, he is back to normal. He even eagerly lifts his legs for all the various doctors who come to shine flashlights and poke at his butt-hole (ugh!).

As I mentioned, it is taking some time for Benjamin`s counts to come up. In a way we aren't surprised. Another child on the exact same protocol as Ben (who left yesterday for the last time - Yay!) took longer to recover from the 4th course of chemo than all the others, 8 weeks compared to the usual 4 weeks. She is considerably older than Benjamin, so we were hoping that Ben's age would help him bounce back faster. But his butt infection probably didn't help, and with every passing day it looks more and more like we will be spending Christmas here on 8D. And that's OK, because in the grand scheme of things, where we spend X-mas is insignificant as long as we get more X-mases together.

Another family is in the process of finding out that this holiday season will probably be the last for their child, barring a miracle. They are to get more answers today, but they are not optimistic, especially since this battle has dragged on for over a year with surgeries and chemo and a short-lived remission. Compared to this, we are so lucky that "all" Benjamin has is AML, with a detailed and proven protocol and relatively high cure rates.

So that's all the news from 8D. I promise to write again soon, now that we're all caught up.