Here's to another milestone passed - on July 23rd, Benajmin turned 2! And what a miserable day it was. But more on that later. First I need to backtrack to the day after my last post.
You will remember from that post that I was complaining about the problems with Broviac #4 and how they were going to come to a head. Well, I should get a prize for foreseeing the future because less than 24 hours later it popped and that night Benjamin went for emergency surgery to replace it. That's right folks - no joke, Ben is now on Broviac #5. What happened was that with all Ben's moving around the inner tubing of the Broviac got hopelessly twisted and kinked underneath the outer lining. So even though the Broviac looked straight it kept on blocking and when they tried to unblock it the inner tubing burst. Roger was in Calgary on business, and his sister was supposed to stay with Benjamin that night so that Emily could come home with me. Instead we're off to the hospital so I can sign consent forms and Emily is shunted off to my parents' house for yet another sleep-over. It was a bad case of deja-vu right down to the surgical team, the same one from the New Year's Eve debacle. This time everything went smoothly, and Benjamin was back in his room at midnight.
Of course that was then, and a whole week has passed. Guess what! Broviac #5, which was so perfectly placed a week ago, has already started slipping. It got to the point where today the surgeons came to add another suture to try to keep it from slipping out more. Written like that it sounds like nothing, but think about it. A numbing cream was put on the site, and then with a nurse, a surgical student, my mother, and me holding Benjamin down a surgeon stitched the Broviac tight to his skin while the poor kid howled, but never moved. Now we have to keep it taped down and as free of tension as possible - tell that to Benjamin!
Back to Ben's birthday. It started auspiciously when he vomited all over himself in his bath, and the feeding tube came out at the same time. In fact, the tape on his face in these pictures are from that tube. And I think these pictures show him as happy as he got that day. Before a new feeding tube could be put in, he needed transfusions to bring his counts up. And when they finally went to do it the positioning of the tube was bad so they had to take it out and do it again. He's had diarrhea so bad that his entire diaper area was flaming red and super sensitive to the point that he's back on morphine just to make the diaper changes bearable. I'm told that when the nursing staff came to the window to sing "Happy Birthday" he was just crying "no, no, no". See I wasn't even able to be there the whole day because I was in the emergency room of another hospital trying to take care of myself. Just call me Miscarriage Mic or something. I go through pregnancies the way Benjamin goes through Broviacs (this one was #5). In a way it's just as well, since the timing was crappy. When they stick, I don't do the first trimester very well. It's constant nausea, no appetite and fatigue that renders me near comatose - the perfect recipe for looking after an active toddler confined to his room on a leash of multiple IV lines. Of course, the timing of the miscarriage was crappy too. A day earlier or later would have been fine, thank you very much.
Besides the Broviac and the birthday, overall Benjamin hasn't had a great week. All the classic signs of engraftment and the Graft vs. Host (GVH) disease are happening. Which means fevers and rashes among other things. The steroids Ben is being given have turned his terrible twos into a nightmare. A more contrary child I have never seen. He even cries "no, no, no" in his sleep. Roger said today that this week has been the worst since Ben's relapse, and it's true. All the doctors and nurses are pleased to see these things happening to Ben because it means that the stem cells are taking and starting to reproduce, but we fell like at this moment we've lost our little guy. But he'll be back and we're giving you all advance notice that this time next year we'll be throwing Benjamin the most rocking party a 3-year old ever had. AT HOME!