But that's jumping the gun. On Wednesday afternoon last week we went back up to the General for "mapping", since it had been decided that some radiation specifically on the brain would be required before the transplant process. Basically Benjamin was knocked out (again!) so that they could do a CT scan to see exactly where to aim the radiation and a mask was made to hold his head in place during the planned radiation, with target marks on it. (Makes you wonder what they did during the emergency radiation.) This mask makes it look like all Benjamin is missing is his chainsaw - I'll see if I can get a picture of it.
Radiation therapy proper started Tuesday morning. Every morning at 7:30, Benjamin gets strapped to a stretcher and driven up the hill with a team of 4 people and either me or Roger. We know that this is just part of our routine, and there is nothing urgent or immediately life-threatening about it. But the sight of our little procession is quite startling to many people. After all, what would your reaction be to seeing a small child on a stretcher being wheeled through an adult hospital followed by people in scrubs. "How bad is it that he can't go to the Children's?" Benjamin loves the ride and is already calling out "Car? Car?" as he's being wheeled through the halls. Unfortunately, he's only awake for the ride up. But once we're there, and while we're waiting for the doctor to arrive, Ben starts flirting with the technicians. After only two treatments they are all already in love with him. And when he wakes up in recovery he's ready to go. Yesterday he tried to climb out of his bed and walk within five minutes of coming out from under. We hope that Ben will only need one week of radiation, and they are planning another MRI next week to see how things have progressed and a decision will be made then.
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